Thursday, September 07, 2006


It is finally beginning to cool off, and I can only hope that the weather continues to change. I am so ready for hoodies, scarves, and fingerless gloves. I miss my boots. I was telling someone, earlier this week, how much I miss my boots. They are like getting a hug all day long. I actually felt a consuming sense of sadness this spring when the weather got too hot to wear my leather friends. They are like my security blanket, they make me feel warm, tough, sexy and stylish all at once. There aren't many other things that you can say that for.

I am still a little confused as to what to write about here. I know eventually I will post some poetry or fiction...even maybe some music and movie recommendations. Do I write about what a lovely evening I had Tuesday night? Do I tell you that I finally saw High Fidelity, and I feel like I was missing on something for the last 5 years? Do I post how glad I am to see Vincent kicked off Project Runway?

I am starting to feel better, finally. Hopefully my allergies aren't starting up. I have the worst ragweed ever! I think I will sleep with the windows open anyways, and just admit that I have a Claritin D problem.

1 comment:

m.d. said...

autumn is the new sexy.