Monday, September 11, 2006

Open House

Tonight is open house, which means I will be at work until roughly 8:30. I should be grading papers instead of playing online, but I need a break. My friend Nick posts weekly updates on what he's been doing and what he finds interesting, so I thought I would emulate him as a way to start things off on the right foot. Who knows how long I will keep it up, but at least I will have something to write about.

This weekend was wonderful. Friday night was tequila night. We started with margaritas, and ended with shots of patron. I have decided that the only way to drink margaritas is al fresco, it adds a certain je ne sais quoi to the experience.

Saturday, after my headache subsided a little I got a smoothie and headed to yoga. My friend has a class at her house on Saturday mornings, that I have just started taking. I have never really been into yoga before. I have done a little bit of dabbling, and some more serious dabbling in pilates, but never seemed to get serious about it. Maybe that is a common theme in my floundering life. I am finding it hard, but extremely rewarding. My body always aches afterward, but I feel energized.

After yoga we had lunch at metrofresh. It was cute, the tomato basil parmesan soup was delicious, the chicken salad was lacking. Then I relaxed, I am slowly learning to unwind, to just be, and to not feel like I am wasting my time. I cleaned, which is always fun for me:). Then it was time for football! I think I sense a return of the UGA obsession which was lacking last year. For me, I had quite a football filled weekend, and I realized I had forgotten how enjoyable it can be to watch. Especially when cleaning, cooking, grading or drinking. We went to a party that night, and I hadn't realized how much I have missed my friends from college. The last year it has been difficult to be around my old friends, but the last two times, it has been really nice, and fun, and I wonder why I decided to spend time away in smoky hangouts. Later that night I saw the Features at the Earl. Good show. too much vodka...fell asleep on couch with bag of cheetos in hand.

Sunday...I was hungry and cranky when I woke up. Einsteins and frisbe in Piedmont park quickly cured me of my moodiness. I was introduced to the amazing abilities of google calendar. It is so wonderful to be able to share your calendar, it makes planning (me plan?) so much easier, and organized. So far I highly recommend it. I watched the Falcons game, and did more relaxing/grading. The evening was a perfect mix of conversation, meeting new people, more football, and relaxation. I fell asleep again on the couch to manning v. manning. (I AM SLEEPING!!! it is wonderful...)

Oh yes, I don't think I am going to listen to anything but Justin Timberlake ever again, or at least for a very very long time. Poke fun if you like, but I am serious.

So my weekend was fun filled and relaxing all in one. I can't wait to see what this week holds...a little Flaming Lips for sure!


m.d. said...

the new timberlake boxset is smokin' hot. i didn't know music could be this good.

Nick said...

This is a good post, but it is REALLY long. You are setting your reader's expectations really high for future posts. I like to start off a new blog with a lot of little comments. This ensures that I get into the HABIT of posting. (Otherwise, the HABIT of writing well can be quite demanding!)

m.d. said...

the high school where i was teaching at the time did not cancel open house on tuesday, september 11, 2001 despite the despicable acts that had occurred that morning. this particular school called it "curriculum night," a misnomer to be sure. attendance was abysmal as could be expect - the country was cemented to cnn, nbc, abc, or any tv station for that matter. they all broadcast the same ghastly images. i didn't have a cell phone at the time. my car pool buddy, steve, did. i called the girl i was dating at the time several times to make sure she was all right. i met a few parents but not many. i remember the ride home most vividly, the weather light, twilight faltering toward darkness. to use a phrase by robert penn warren, it was "a world that seemed to be god-abandoned."