Wednesday, January 17, 2007

it all becomes new again

I guess I have to post my obligatory New Years post, so here it goes. Already I can sense that this is a year of changes. As cliche as it may seem (aren't changes always happening), I feel like these will be big ones. Change has never really scared me before; actually it has excited me, but this year it is a little intimidating. Mainly because I am, for the first time, unaware of my direction. I will list things in this blog post to make my wanderings more accessible.

1. Love, and he is wonderful.
2. I am finished at my current job.
3. Teaching makes me mean.
4. I will make something mine.
5. I need more sleep, exhaustion has set in.
6. I have renewed my lease for 6 months.
7. I need more time for music, glorious music.

1. Where I will be living 6 months from now.
2. What I should do for money.
3. Is there job that will make me happy? Something I am suited for?
4. Why I still get sad.
5. When will I sleep through the night again.
6. Will I write and when?

Sometimes life just gets crazy. You spin and spin, and then in the middle of your whirling the world passes around you, but you are too dizzy to see it. I never want to miss a moment of what it has to offer. I want to continue to be a sponge.

I guess I have resolved to write more, to focus more on recording observations. Even if they are merely snapshots with no real depth or meaning, they should be valued for the representations of the world view. I think.

On our glorious San Francisco trip I...well there is too much to say. I wanted to record he entire trip, but I was too busy living to reflect. It is great to have a travel partner. Simply put, It was perfect.

I read Kite Runner. It was very good, but a little haunting. I am reading The Miracle of Mindfulness. I hope I learn something.

I saw The Departed.It was awesome.

I wish I had the energy to comment on these things, but unfortunately my job is sucking me dry. More frequent and shorter posts...that's my resolution for this year. To make the reflection less ominous.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Welcome back! I hope you keep posting. Like I said for your first post - don't raise the bar too high for yourself here. I just like to read your blog to see how you're doing. It helps that you're a great writer, too. Think about when we talk on the phone. Do we wax poetic, or do we whine about our days? Probably somewhere in between :)
So, welcome back. Write a post today about what you wore to work. I dare you.